Top 10 Best Countries for Education Around The World

4 min readFeb 19, 2020


We can see that the youth of a country is progressing and improving, and the primary path towards this goal is establishing a good education system for some countries, the concept of education has been honorably considered and these countries have increased wealth over the years and as a result their education. The world became attractive to people. So it has a good education system in 10 countries, including the world

Number 10

Singapore The power of Singapore lies in its elementary education system which allows students to build a solid foundation on which they can get their secondary education and subsequently their professional career has not encouraged them to study further in Singapore because they prefer students in their education. To solve problems on its own, where the role of a teacher is to guide the student to a case where he loses himself, Singapore’s search for answers makes it the fifth position, focusing on intensive education.

Number 9

What’s going on below? Education for all. At the top of the education index in the United Nations Human Development Report, 24 million continents in this country are expected to finish more than 20 years of schooling (compared to 16 expected). In fact, pre-school, elementary and middle-school-age children are 100% enrolled — and 94% of citizens over 25 have at least secondary education. With the whole classroom on hand (with a teacher-student ratio of 14: 1)

Number 8

Hong Kong is largely inspired by the UK’s education model. Hong Kong is by no means a ladder for entertainment; Hong Kong is at the top of the list of three student average IQs, though 6.6% do not fully explain literacy. As Hong Kong has improved in its service sector, its industries are jumping into the education system as well.

Number 7

Japan is almost synonymous with technology and technology as an important component of their education, as well as Japan, incorporates technology into its education, emphasizing more and more extra-curricular activities than the likes of chess badminton and other sports goes. Eclipse has access to companies that many students in other countries cannot even imagine creating a better education system

Number 6

South Korea has seen an increase in South Korea’s education over the years, and South Korea has supported hard work more than some other countries, and some schoolchildren have to go to school seven days a week, but South Korean The second reason for dominance is proper education on a wide variety of subjects. There are a total of 5 bills annually for the knowledge education system South Korea makes no dollars for the allocation of some of the best institutions in the world as the home of construction

Number 5

Given that Russia ranks 5th, it should still be praised for being among the top five countries with the best education in the world. Russia’s education system is known for preparing students for workplaces. It also has a teacher-to-student ratio.

Number 4

Norway, the most determined in human development in the United States, prioritizes the education of its 5.1 million inhabitants. The Nordic nation spends 6.66% of its GDP on education (about 4.5% compared to the United States) and keeps its student-teacher ratio below 5: 1. Based on a national curriculum that teachers explain to their students — which are not defined by grade level — arts and crafts are part of the program, And their system is clearly working. Seventy percent of the Norwegian school-age population is attending school, 97 percent have some secondary education, and they close the gender gap in education!

Number 3

Israel should not be ranked first in terms of education, it ranks third in terms of child upbringing and early childhood development. If we compare development with the hatchery, people can collect a lot of changes and improvements.

Number 2

Belgium ranks two with highly complex education systems such as Flemish, German and French three separate communities. During the annual survey, it ranked fourth and ninth for the teacher-to-student ratio for accepting primary and middle-aged students in the school.

Number 1

Finland The concept of education in Finland is different from the traditional way of life that deals with this aspect of human life, school hours are very short here and during the rest of the day they are engaged in school-sponsored activities which means that they have enough free time to pursue a personal interest. The pressure of regular exams is also not on Finland’s agenda Atron the school at the age of 16, only to pass the same test. Teachers are not given too much class time and most importantly, they are well paid.




Written by SKYNILE

from india, engineer , musician , gym lover , artist etc

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