Should You Respect Your Parents No Matter What:❤

2 min readApr 22, 2020


How much have you and I’ve served those very parents ask yourself how many times that phone will ring and you see it clearly he says dad or mom on it and you just put it on silent put it back in your pocket like you didn’t even see it

How many times have you feel embarrassed to walk with them cuz you know someone’s in the other side that’s gonna look at you and think oh my god is it your dad oh my god is it your mom ask you how many times have you not carried these shopping bags but walk behind your dad or your mom with a vault and let them carry that back

How many times when you came home late at night but when you were lifting to your parents and they told you clearly that son don’t do this all my beloved daughter don’t do this did you call behind their back and do it

How many times did you have an altercation with your parents and they told you off and you shut your shoulders and you walked off when you slap the door thinking you or something big forgetting that you are transgressing.

When I asked you how many times in your life have you disrespected your mother and you know what people give me excuses you know what she oppresses us or she doesn’t understand or she doesn’t know

When did you ever become such a brain box and when did you become so intelligent that you knew more than your parents buy a lot of these people have lived 20 or 30 more years than you and you’re telling me you’re 10 or 15 or 20 and you know more you’re a child in a nappy no matter how old you are because you’re the love of your parents and how dare we do such

I ask you is it worth it what why to have a dream that you want to achieve but make sure that you do the hit of your parents make sure that you serve your parents by only serving them you’ll be able to attain that dream I swear by GOD that is the only way you’ll be able to attain it there is no other way.

Also read:- My parents my love




Written by SKYNILE

from india, engineer , musician , gym lover , artist etc

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