How to Deal with Exam Stress

5 min readApr 6, 2020


if preparing for your exams has got you feeling stressed or anxious in any way then trust me you’re not alone, Hello Guys, I am Bipasa and I am gonna help you to get rid of with Exam Stress and Anxiety. According to a study done here in the UK on exam stress after 1300 students questioned 96% said that they had been stressed or anxious in some way shape or form with 64% feel completely unsupported guys being a student is not easy right now the exam system is relentless tuition fees are scary and it doesn’t help that social media fuels this culture of constant comparison to your peers so no wonder you’re stressed after all stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge

physically your body reacts as if it’s under attack and goes into fight-or-flight mode really seeing a whole bunch of hormones and chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol which prepare your body for a fight which is great if you’re about to be hidden by a sumo wrestler not so good if this also means minimize brain function which leads to the inability to think straight just what you need when you’re going into exams Thank You stress

luckily I’ve got some tips for you as proven by science help to get rid of with Exam Stress and Anxiety

First classical music

Classical music can help with concentration but it’s been scientifically proven it also really helps with stress in a study from the Duke Cancer Institute researchers asked men who were about to undergo a really stressful biopsy to listen to classical music and they found that when they did there were no signs of spikes in their blood pressure and the experience significantly less pain a study in Russia found that

when children listened to an hour of classical music every day for 6 months their brain showed changes that indicated greater levels of relaxation and this happened even if they weren’t really paying attention to the music, so why not have some classical music on in the background because you might find you feel more relaxed without even thinking about it but what else can we do to our physical space to help us feel more chilled


Buy some plans research has repeatedly shown that the presence of plants reduces stress levels plants change our perception of the environment to be more attractive to us so we feel more comfortable in it and therefore less stressed but that’s not all study showed that plant also helped to improve productivity they make it easier for workers in offices to recover from demanding projects and NASA found that plants improve air quality and therefore your health and that’s just a good thing overall so buy some flowers.

Sleep or Rest

If you’re feeling stressed then getting to bed early is easier said than done but you do want six hours a night and asleep ritual might help you with that hopefully you’ll wake up feeling well-rested and less anxious because sleep will help you to process all of that information you’ve been studying during your studies try going to bed and waking up at the same time 7 days a week this will stop you jetlag in yourself at the weekend and put a relaxing bedtime routine in place maybe a bath and a book don’t take your phone or laptop to bed with you because the blue lights going to wake you up and avoid caffeine for hours before bedtime.


Existing on a diet of caffeinated drinks and sugary snacks is really common for a stressed-out student who’s trying to cram in information and just stay awake thing is these foods just going to make you feel more jittery more anxious and with liter slumps in energy and concentration research shows that students who have healthy well-balanced diets are more likely to perform better than those who don’t so you have to fuel your mind with the right foods slow-releasing carbohydrates and fiber-rich fruit and vegetables are going to keep your blood sugar level stable and healthy fats like omega-3 a really good for brain health and concentration


Finally, water lots and lots of water because even mild dehydration will leave you feeling sleepy and not very alert an extra little diet tip comes in the form of chewing gum no one really knows why but studies show that chewing gum will help you to improve your test scores because it increases focus and concentration which is great if you’re feeling distracted and anxious and apparently chewing gum is a better study aid than caffeine.


so those are some physical ideas to help you manage your nerves but to really deal with on the day exam anxiety you have to prime your mind remember your brain doesn’t know the difference between real-life danger and imagined danger which is why your body reacts as if it’s about to get hit by a car when all you’re doing is sitting an exam but in the same way you can train your brain to think positively and calmly about an event even though it fills you with dread I want you all to just close your eyes and imagine a situation that you find challenging but invigorating so maybe if you’re a football player that’s a difficult game but you score the winning goal

now when you have this feeling firmly in your mind I want you to switch the mental image to your exam room and imagine feeling that same positive energy at your desk you’ve opened up the paper you know all the questions and you’re going to ace those answers and open your eyes the more you practice this positive visualization the better and the more confidence you’ll be able to find on the day of your exam because as far as your brain is concerned you’ve already aced it ten times over

so there you go, guys, I hope this article helps if you are preparing or studying for your exams, feeling prepared for your exams I hope they give you tips that take you into life and beyond school and exams because even though I might not feel like it trusts me these exams are not the be-all and end-all good luck everyone and I’ll see you soon.




Written by SKYNILE

from india, engineer , musician , gym lover , artist etc

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