Video games provide a fun escape from reality so they’re often portrayed as violent lazy and a waste of time by some the debate has raged on for years so are there any positive effects can video games actually make you smarter before we get ahead of ourselves it’s important to note that too much of anything is bad even broccoli seriously extremely high doses of broccoli can actually be toxic heck even water toxicity exists so if you binge and do nothing but play video games the risks probably outweigh any benefits, in fact, we have an entire video devoted to what would happen.
if you stopped going outside and the negative effects of sitting link in the description having said that many studies have actually shown increases in cognitive function after playing video games one study in particular had participants play Super Mario sixty four for thirty minutes a day over two months afterwards the brains of these participants on increase of gray matter in areas associated with memories strategic planning and fine motor skills of the hands compared to those who had not played these are particularly encouraging results for mental disorders which because these brain regions to shrink using video games as a therapy surprisingly action games can also increase attention to detail in individuals.
Those video games will rot your brain is something we’ve all heard at some point but it’s wrong hi folks it’s Belkin and today on game ranks ten scientific studies that show game and is beneficial number ten you know brain games those games that are made to improve brain function in the simulation of real-world problems or perhaps puzzle-oriented stuff back in two thousand fifteen a study came on the policy insights from re Haverhill and brain sciences journal that showed action games actually do way more in improving brain function than these so-called brain games it specifically these games have demands for quick decision making quick knowledge mint and interpretation of large amounts of information and demand a high level of attention according to the study many other types of games do not produce the equivalent impact on perception and cognition brain games typically a body few of the qualities of the commercial video games linked with cognitive improvement.
Video games by their nature involve predominately.
Active forms of learning I eat making responses in receiving immediate informative feedback which is typically more effective than passive learning number nine researchers at Columbia University found that playing video games may actually be good for children now.
That’s not to say that addictive behaviors and binging on video games are necessarily great what they mean to say is that for an hour to having moderate gameplay is linked to a higher intellectual function as well as competence at school now they think that generally if they continue it’s not going to have any kind of negative effect on intellectual function or school confidence, in fact, one could make the case that it will actually help to play for very long periods of time at a very young age.
It may not be great for social functions but that heat is actually a great collaborative leisure time activity that promotes positive brain growth number eight a study in the British medical journal also known as the B. M. J.
Studied a game called sparks which is a game that’s intended to help treat depression this study actually found the video game was better at treating depression then a lot of counsellors which is really interesting ultimately L. allowed for a self directed learning format and instead of an adult who may not seem to understand it least upfront kids and teens were much more willing to be open about what they were feeling when they actually had no chance of judgment even though accounts or may not be judgmental if the possibility seems to exist in the teenager being treated they tend to a whole on video games are designed around immersion in there for do the exact opposite trying to bring the player in the game is designed to do that properly and also designed to help the player cope with depression with actually proven techniques show that sparks a video game for a lot of cases is more effective than a counselor, not every case.
Mind you I’m not telling you to go play a video game instead of get help in case you are feeling depressed that would be irresponsible but it’s worth noting that game design when done properly it can be extremely helpful to people number seven a study in brain imaging and behavior put out not long after the previously mentioned one provides a lot of evidence that excessive play a violent first-person shooters does not actually belong to any your emotional responsiveness or cause any desensitize action at age neural level to violent stimuli the way this study was done was they put people in a brain scanner who had excessive amounts of.
Hours of play in a regular day people who averaged four point six to four-point nine hours a violent game played daily in on average have been playing these games since they were six years old when they were shown violent imagery or disturbing imagery like dead bodies or death their responses were neurologically speaking literally the same.
As people who hadn’t which implies that instead of blaming violent video games for violence maybe we should be talking about the world around people and what they’re responding to rather than what their actual internal self is but that’s just my own personal conclusion. MORE