A brief history of the INDIAN Republic Day
Republic Day is the most important national festival of India which is celebrated every year on 26th January with great enthusiasm in the entire country braid is held at India Gate on 26th January which is located in Delhi this braid is done by the Indian Army to see the parade people come in the number of millions after the parade all the state of the country exhibiting their own culture and tradition like 15th August this day is also take up that tricolor flag in that schools and government offices children have different enthusiasm on this day.
they get ready quickly and get to the school on this day sweets and toffee are distributed to the children in primary schools.
On this day there is competition for essay writing and speech in all schools all students participate in this competition children participate in more than one contest the students who perform the best are given a reward on 26th January we celebrate with great fanfare because on this day the Constitution of India come in force on January 26, 1950.
Instructions written in the Constitution apply to all citizens of the country it is our duty to follow the instructions of Constitution it took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to write the Constitution this Constitution was written by dr. BR Ambedkar.
They had proposed a constitution in Parliament a lot of things we had taken care of while writing the Constitution the social system in the country is based on the Constitution for the citizens of the country there is a lot of duties right and freedom of expression mentioned in the Constitution.
It is the duty of all the citizens to follow the instructions of the Constitution without the Constitution we cannot imagine good social system according to the Constitution we have the freedom to come and go anywhere in the country according to the Constitution India is a secular country where people of all religions live and they have freedom of their religion there is also a provision for punishment on violation of instructions written in the Constitution so Republic Day is a very important festival for us.
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